MAST Global

When Plans Change

Proverbs 16:9
We'll be on board ship soon!
Have you ever prepared for a trip? We all have!

It's all set, you've worked hard to get everything lined up and then it's all change.

We arrived here in New Zealand two weeks ago ready to serve on board the Koha medical mission ship and begin making it home for 6 months. However, the ship is still docked in Fiji, having been delayed due to repair work urgently needed. We were reminded of the Scripture, Proverbs 16:9, which tells us that a man plans his course but the Lord directs his steps!

Fiji Mission 2023 Completed

The Koha just completed its seventh and final outreach in early November, serving the Yasawas in the western division of Fiji. In one of the villages, the volunteer dentist shared that 80% of the adult patients had never been seen by a dentist before! For this final outreach four yachts joined the Koha and 1002 people were provided with dental care, primary healthcare, or optometry services with free reading or distance glasses. The crew also served every student at two primary schools and the one high school that serves the whole of the Yasawas.

"An aspect of our vision is to link arms with the local medical presence in the areas we visit. Many of these places are under-resourced and understaffed.
We donate medical supplies, and give much time to training and equipping."

- YWAM Ships Aotearoa
Ship Repairs Needed

At the end of this final outreach, the ship docked in Lautoka, Fiji to prepare for the return sail to New Zealand. The engineers had been aware for a time that one of the seals for the propeller shaft was leaking and before the return sail, they went to make repairs only to find that the bearing closest to the seal was damaged.

The only way to affect repairs is to put the ship into a dry dock. So, the decision was made to do a limited drydocking in Fiji. The drydock is of a floating type and unlike any others we've been in before. It is not alongside a dock but anchored in the harbor some half a kilometer offshore! Because of many uncertainties, we decided that I should go alone, as the location would have added several extra challenges for our family.

On Board for Christmas?

We are still not sure of the timing of the ship's return from Fiji to New Zealand but we are hoping and praying that we will be able to be together in time for Christmas. It has been a challenging season for us but nothing is a surprise for God!

Would you pray for us all over the coming weeks - for our sons in the US, and Sherry with our two youngest staying here in New Zealand - as I depart Tauranga on Saturday (Nov 25th) to fly up to Fiji to join the ship. Thank you!


Jacob sending us off from Portland, Oregon for our flights to New Zealand
#mastglobal #drydockfiji #fijimedicalmission2023
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