More than a three-mile walk Madagascar is the fifth largest island in the world and yet it is among the least developed of African countries with 91% of the population living on less than $2 a day.
Over 60% of Madagascar's people live more than three miles from a health center, often in very remote and difficult-to-reach areas without roads or communications.
Few constructed roads
Over the past 15 years, thirty village clinics have been established,
yet travel is incredibly challenging transporting medical professionals along extremely rutted and worn dirt roads to settlements.
In 2023 the MV Island Reach medical relief vessel will deploy to reach even more communities only easily accessed by the water. We're preparing for this new opportunity to develop seamanship and maritime safety skills in both ministry volunteers and Malagasy trainees.
Why Maritime Training? MAST Global provides training and technical expertise to medical mission charities that use ocean-going vessels to reach isolated and coastal communities. Ministry ships require regular maintenance, repair, and professional knowledge to safely operate and execute the work that they are called to.
A well-prepared crew is essential to meeting those needs. It is a very practical work, but one in which we are able to share God's love in a very tangible way. We are so grateful to our MAST Partners who give regularly to support this critical ministry work.
Will you help bring relief to those living remotely in Madagascar? Our goal is to raise an additional
$3,600/£3,000 per month and we are confident that God will provide through the generous ongoing support of our MAST partners and people like you who commit to giving monthly. You can find out more
Alternatively, we invite you to make a special gift towards the MAST Global ministry fund, our 2023 goal is
$24,000/£19,700. You can find out more
This is a very special opportunity, and we invite you to change lives in 2023 by providing technical training for 75 maritime missionaries and meeting the physical needs of over 2000 remote islanders.
There may be few adequate roads in rural Madagascar, but
you can bring hope by sea! With heartfelt thanks,
Matthew & Sherry Baumgardner