MAST Global

3 excellent books ...

My library is with me wherever I go.
Traveling across a 19 hour time zone difference and taking 8 flights is going to be interesting ...
Reading ON THE GO
3 excellent books
Several years ago, I (Sherry) was preparing for a trip and realised I couldn't take more than one book easily with the weight restriction on our bags, so I started buying books to read on my Kindle. I love it - it's like taking my library with me wherever I go! In a few weeks we'll be traveling to New Zealand to meet with leaders of the new YWAM Koha ship, so I am thinking about new books to download for the 30+hr trip. There are lots of great titles out there, but these were really meaningful to me so I wanted to share them (as friends often ask what I am reading) and maybe you'll inspire my next read!

To Stop a Warlord by Shannon Sedgewick Davis
One woman's inspiring true story of an unlikely alliance to stop the atrocities of a warlord, proving that there is no limit to what we can do, even in the face of unspeakable injustice and impossible odds. If you'd like to get it, here's the link.

Dorothy Brooke and the Fight to Save Cairo's Lost War Horses by Grant-Hayter Menzies
This book chronicles the rescue of British ex-service cavalry horses, abandoned as they were too costly to send home after WWI, by Dorothy Brooke who established what is now the Brooke Hospital for Animals, Egypt. If you'd like to get it, here's the link.

The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken
How does faith survive, let alone flourish in a place like the Middle East? How can good truly overcome such evil? How do you maintain hope when all is darkness around you? This is a personal pilgrimage into some of the toughest places on earth including Somalia. If you'd like to get it, here's the link.

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